What are demountable glass wall systems & why you should be using them

Demountable or "Moveable" Wall Systems are just that! They are moveable walls that be installed and re-installed in different locations. They are typically anchored at the floor and ceiling but can be freestanding, or tie into existing walls.
The 2 main styles are:
Exact fit for unique spaces
Allows for local sourcing of materials such as glass, digital printing, and whiteboards
Factory built:
Pre-fab similar to Unitized Curtain Walls
Minimal assembly time and resources needed
Standard sizes with typical framing dimensions
Easily repeatable with standard components
They are built differently than permanent walls. Both types of construction lend themselves well to the TI market and have a lot to offer with flexibility and innovative design.
Some of the key features of Demountable Walls are:
Bring more light and openness into the office environment
Can be reconfigured to add more large open spaces, or to create more enclosed work areas or offices
Updateable to meet the needs of an evolving business
Flexible design conforms to the buildings current and future requirements
Add white boards to meeting rooms and offices – or the glass walls can be white boards themselves
Built in sliding or swinging doors
Added security
A quick and easy face-lift
Demountable Walls can also be used for privacy, design or sound control by adding laminated glass, Frit or digital printing.
- Need more information? Contact Hartung Glass Industries to discuss your next project.
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